Here is a poem written in 1953 by Nagarjuna, the famous poet of common people. Corruption occupied people’s attention at that time as much as it does now. Modalities however changed as per the need of the time. Rajiv Krishna Saxena नया तरीक़ा दो हज़ार मन गेहूँ आया दस गाँवों …
Read More »नाव चली नानी की नाव चली – हरिंद्रनाथ चट्टोपाध्याय
There is something magical about Harindra Nath Chattopadhyay’s poems for children. We often heard them on Alashvani radio in 50s and 60s. A poem entitled “Railgadi” is already on this site. Here is another gem! ‘Nanu ki nani ki nav chali’ became ‘Nina ki nani ki nav chali’ in the …
Read More »मुस्कुराने के लिए – हुल्लड़ मुरादाबादी
Some nice couplets from Hullad Muradabadi that remind us of some tough facts of life but nonetheless exhorts us to keep smiling. Rajiv Krishna Saxena. मुस्कुराने के लिए मसखरा मशहूर है, आँसू बहाने के लिए बाँटता है वो हँसी, सारे ज़माने के लिए। जख्म सबको मत दिखाओ, लोग छिड़केंगे नमक …
Read More »मेरा उसका परिचय इतना – अंसार कंबरी
How much two lovers complement each other? Find in this poem. Rajiv Krishna Saxena मेरा उसका परिचय इतना मेरा उसका परिचय इतना वो नदिया है, मैं मरुथल हूँ। उसकी सीमा सागर तक है मेरा कोई छोर नहीं है मेरी प्यास चुरा ले जाए ऐसा कोई चोर नहीं है। मेरा उसका …
Read More »भागे लेकर बल्ला – रामानुज त्रिपाठी
Here is a cricket match when a cat bawled to mouse. What do we expect! Rajiv Krishna Saxena भागे लेकर बल्ला चूहे राज क्रिकेट टीम के चुने गए कप्तान अपनी बल्लेबाजी का था उनको बहुत गुमान पैड बांध दस्ताना पहने हेलमैट एक लगाए टास जीत कर खुद ही पहले बैटिंग …
Read More »सूने दालान – सोम ठाकुर
A monotonous afternoon, a vacant courtyard in an empty house. A detached sense of being lost and disconnect. Here is a poem by Som Thakur. Rajiv Krishna Saxena सूने दालान खिड़की पर आँख लगी देहरी पर कान धूल–भरे सूने दालान हल्दी के रूप भरे सूने दालान। परदों के साथ साथ …
Read More »क्या करूँ संवेदना ले कर तुम्हारी – हरिवंश राय बच्चन
Does sympathy mean anything or do the kind words said in sympathy essentially lack any substance? Here Harivansh Rai Bachchan poses this rather uncomfortable question. Rajiv Krishna Saxena क्या करूँ संवेदना ले कर तुम्हारी क्या करूँ संवेदना लेकर तुम्हारी? क्या करूँ? मैं दुखी जब-जब हुआ संवेदना तुमने दिखाई, मैं कृतज्ञ …
Read More »ख़य्याम की मधुशाला (भाग एक) – हरिवंश राय बच्चन
Omar Khayyam, a Persian philosopher poet lived about a thousand years ago. He was a mathematician, geographer, a scientist and a great poet. His Rubaiyat acquired great fame as they pondered over the meaningless fleeting life that humans suffer. In nineteenth century this work was translated by Fitzgerald into English. …
Read More »कब बरसेगा पानी – बेकल उत्साही
With the start of hot summer, we all wait for rains. If rains get delayed or fail, life suffers badly; especially so in villages. Here is an excerpt from a lovely poem by Bekal Utsahi, wondering when would it rain. Rajiv Krishna Saxena कब बरसेगा पानी सावन भादौं साधु हो …
Read More »जीवन की ही जय है – मैथिली शरण गुप्त
Life is fleeting and short-lived. Death is feared by all. Rashtra Kavi Maithili Sharan Gupt presents an alternative view. Life is precious and a miracle and we should rejoice in it. Living beings die but the life goes on. Rajiv Krishna Saxena जीवन की ही जय है मृषा मृत्यु का …
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