A home that had seen good days is now an empty nest, in the throws of disintegration. Gone are the laughter and activities. Change and extinction are laws of nature, however painful it is. Here is a lovely poem by Satyanarayan Ji –Rajiv Krishna Saxena सूने घर में सूने घर …
Read More »सोने के हिरन – कन्हैया लाल वाजपेयी
We all face disillusionment with life at times. All clichés that we grow up with don’t seem to hold and there are times when every thing looks absurd. A loss of faith occurs. This feeling is beautifully depicted in this poem. Rajiv Krishna Saxena सोने के हिरन आधा जीवन जब …
Read More »पीहर का बिरवा – अमरनाथ श्रीवास्तव
A married daughter full of pleasant memories of a carefree childhood returns after a long time to her parent’s village home. Contrary to her mental image, she finds that the house is now full of tensions, ego clashes and frictions… Here is a touching poem by Amarnath Shrivastava – Rajiv …
Read More »फूल और कांटे – अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’
Flower and thorns are products of the same plant but have such different characteristics. Being born to same parents does not ensure similar character. Here is a famous poem of Hariaudh Ji – Rajiv Krishna Saxena फूल और कांटे हैं जनम लेते जगत में एक ही‚ एक ही पौधा उन्हें …
Read More »पहली बातें – भवानी प्रसाद मिश्र
Human ego is such that it can totally incapacitate attempts for reconciliation between lovers even when they know in their heart that this is the right thing to do. But they still opt for a broken heart rather than a broken ego. That is what makes human frailties so enigmatic …
Read More »नर हो, न निराश करो मन को – मैथिली शरण गुप्त
Here is an old classic from Rashtra Kavi Maithili Sharan Gupt. That was the time when poets like senior elder men would not hesitate in giving sound advice to society and people. This is some thing rarely seen now. Rajiv Krishna Saxena. नर हो, न निराश करो मन को कुछ …
Read More »नाम बड़े दर्शन छोटे – काका हाथरसी
Here is an excerpt from a very popular poem by Kaka Hathrasi. We often see people having names that simply do not go along with their personalities. Kaka is pointing out this fact in the funniest way. Rajiv Krishna Saxena नाम बड़े दर्शन छोटे नाम-रूप के भेद पर कभी किया …
Read More »मातृभूमि – मैथिली शरण गुप्त
Here is an old classic poem of Rashtra Kavi Maithili Sharan Gupta about the glory of motherland. Rajiv Krishna Saxena मातृभूमि नीलांबर परिधान हरित तट पर सुन्दर है। सूर्य-चन्द्र युग मुकुट, मेखला रत्नाकर है॥ नदियाँ प्रेम प्रवाह, फूल तारे मंडन हैं। बंदीजन खग-वृन्द, शेषफन सिंहासन है॥ करते अभिषेक पयोद हैं, …
Read More »मांझी न बजाओ बंशी – केदार नाथ अग्रवाल
Sitting on the river bank, you hear distant sound of flute being played by a Maanjhi (boat man). That melody takes you away from your worldly train of thoughts… Here is a famous poem written by Kedar Nath Agrawal Ji – Rajiv Krishna Saxena मांझी न बजाओ बंशी मांझी न …
Read More »क्या कहा? – जेमिनी हरियाणवी
Public always pays for the indulgences of its leaders. Jamini Hariyanavi has given voice to the helpless public. Rajiv Krishna Saxena क्या कहा? आप हैं आफत‚ बलाएं क्या कहा? आपको हम घर बुलाएं‚ क्या कहा? खा रही हैं देश को कुछ कुर्सियां‚ हम सदा धोखा ही खाएं‚ क्या कहा? ऐसे …
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